Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cheer Up

Things could get worse,
So I Cheered Up and Sure Enough, Things Got Worse.

Cheer Up Video

Have a Great Week!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Winter Wildlife

They can call it whatever they want, it's Winter to me.  Cold with long dark periods is all it takes.

Photos taken across the nearby bridge in the State Park

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Olathe, KS Bio Science Park

K-State opened this new building August 2011.
Located in the new Kansas Bio Science Park , Olathe, Kansas a suburb of KC

The other building in the Park is for Venture Accelerator

Leaf House

A Beach House in Brazil near Rio De Janeiro.

Joan's Birthday in KC

Thursday, November 24, 2011


 A warm and sunny Thanksgiving with temp in the 60's 
Thanksgiving Dinner with Sisters in Bonner Springs

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkeys hiding

I drove all over the State Park this afternoon looking for the usually abundant Wild Turkeys,
they must all be in hiding.
What I found were some very seasonal looking wildflowers and grasses.
A surprise to me was to see the first time blooms on my Christmas Cactus. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


A pictorial testimony to the fact that Tokyo has more signs per area than anywhere.

signs in Tokyo

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Middle East Photos

A Very Old Part of Our Earth copied from Google Earth

compiled by Dave DeBusman


Great Old Song

Great song composed in 1927 with this version done by Billy Ward and the Dominoes in 1957. Others in the group include Clyde McPhatter and Jackie Wilson. Music set to Various Amateur Fall Photos.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Warm Windy

So who's to complain about strong southerly winds when they raise temperatures to the 60's, 
in November no less.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Friend Pete E. took this photo of a unique Bugatti parked on Rodeo Drive
BTW, he's working as an engineer in Barstow, CA redesigning the RR hump system that organizes trains heading east.  He still maintains a residence in KC.

Automobile Row in Boston, times gone by.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Still Warm

This is not a firework display following K-State's four overtime win against Texas A&M.
This is taken from my house on a much cherished 60 deg warm day.
A Chamber of Commerce month so far,
flowers are still in bloom but shouldn't make it past the weekend.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Never Been To Spain

Slide Show Video I made a couple of years ago of unusual transportation photos.
Perhaps the best thing is the accompanying song by the Three Dog Night,

roads, bridges and airports from around the world

Friday, November 11, 2011


Those who remember this song are few and far between.  Closing in on 50 years ago, Frankie Valli harmonized this with the Four Seasons.  Pictures are from the net and have no association other than add some eye candy.
Enjoy, Dave

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Step at a Time

Originally a Chemistry Building, Willard Hall has been turned over to the Art Department.  The interior is mostly refurbished and the stone stabilized.  After this re-roof project, I hope to see new windows.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Snow

Two inches of snow on I-70 this morning south of Manhattan.
One of the most photographed structures in the mid-west, this photo of Kansas City's Union Station I found on the net is one of the most unusual utilizing the reflective pond in front for enhancement.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

rain and fire

About 2.5 inches of cold rain starting yesterday with virtually no run-off due to the previous long dry spell.

To work in Manhattan today to discover they had a big fire yesterday destroying a partially built condo complex downtown.  It was part of the large renewal commercial / residential project going on downtown.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Long Way Home

Kansas City to Home this morning by way of US 56, Baldwin, KS and Baker University.

Kansas City to home via US 56 highway through Baldwin and Baker University.
© 2011 YouTube, LLC

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kauffman Center for Performing Arts

Interior photo from last weekend and a YouTube made during construction.

Construction Photos

Home for the Winter

No more staying at the lake when I'm working at the University.  I pulled the trailer home this morning and perhaps not all to soon.  Temperature this morning was 24F.

Work - New Classroom

Ribbon Cutting for Classroom Remodel.  Umberger Hall 105.  The room seats 450 students and has all the bells and whistles.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Work This Week

Finished up the Wood Shop for the Art Department.  They'll be moving all the equipment in time for the Spring Semester.  Building was constructed in 1938 but managed through other projects to have enough electricity. This has a state of the art dust collection system with a huge make-up air unit.  Floors were ground down and have a acrylic sealer applied along with a grey painted border.
The tree is a Sycamore and is located just across from where my office is.

Heading home in the morning taking the trailer home for the winter.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The weather for Halloween Day and Night was perfect.  Not often it's in the 70's and stays warm at night.  I had maybe 3 small  groups of trick or treaters and then the wagon came by with about 40.  Thinks it's the first year I gave out all the treats except for the few pieces I hid back for me.Can't forget the Chiefs win over the Chargers in KC.  Pulled it out at the last minute with a field goal on a rare Monday night showing.
I'm back in Manhattan for the week staying at Tuttle Creek Lake.  This is my last week for the season, I'll pull the trailer back Friday providing it doesn't ice up or snow.